日本応用糖質科学会 ポスター賞(2010年)
道下宏祐, 亀島祐美子, 尾形慎, 村田健臣, 碓氷泰市
日本応用糖質科学会 ポスター賞(2010年)
道下宏祐, 亀島祐美子, 尾形慎, 村田健臣, 碓氷泰市
日本農芸化学会 第1回トピックス賞(2010年)
尾形慎, 服部武史, 道下宏祐, 戸谷一英, 碓氷泰市
Chemoenzymatic synthesis of glycan-arranged polymeric inhibitors against influenza virus infection.
Ogata M*, Murata T, Park EY, Usui T*.
Journal of Applied Glycoscience, 57(2), 137-143 (2010).
バイオサイエンスとインダストリー, 68(6), 409-411 (2010).
月刊「化学工業」, 61(12), 920-926 (2010).
尾形慎, 服部武史, 道下宏祐, 戸谷一英, 碓氷泰市*.
日本農芸化学会2010年度大会トピックス集, 118 (2010).
Lactosylamidine-based affinity purification for cellulolytic enzymes EG I and CBH I from Hypocrea jecorina and their properties.
Ogata M, Kameshima Y, Hattori T, Michishita K, Suzuki T, Kawagishi H, Totani K, Hiratake J, Usui T*.
Carbohydrate Research, 345(18), 2623-2629 (2010).
Novel and facile synthesis of furanodictines A and B based on transformation of 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-d-glucose into 3,6-anhydro hexofuranoses.
Ogata M, Hattori T, Takeuchi R, Usui T*.
Carbohydrate Research, 345(2), 230-234 (2010).
Molecular design of N-linked tetravalent glycosides bearing N-acetylglucosamine, N,N′-diacetylchitobiose and N-acetyllactosamine: Analysis of cross-linking activities with WGA and ECA lectins.
Masaka R, Ogata M, Misawa Y, Yano M, Hashimoto C, Murata T, Kawagishi H, Usui T*.
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 18(2), 621-629 (2010).
Molecular design of fluorescent labeled glycosides as acceptor substrates for sialyltransferases.
Ogata M*, Obara T, Chuma Y, Murata T, Park EY, Usui T.
Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 74(11), 2287-2292 (2010).